Helene Gjerris

Helene Gjerris

It is possible to master Carmen, baroque music and the newest avant-garde.

Helene Gjerris can at any rate, and her talent has delighted audiences and composers since the mid-1990s. She is a singer who is quite unafraid of any type of music and who is capable of conjuring up an artistic aura at every single performance.
Helene Gjerris was educated at The Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen and at École Philippe Gaulier in London. She made her official debut in 1997, but already before this it was obvious that she was a remarkable figure in Danish musical life. She performs with the same sharp focus whether singing a sacred work, an opera or a first performance of a new work.

She is deeply committed to contemporary music, and various works have been specially written for her. She has appeared in European baroque stage productions of operas by Handel, Monteverdi and Cavalli.
In Denmark she has been a soloist with the Danish symphony orchestras, and at The Danish National Opera and The Royal Danish Theatre she has sung the classical operatic réles of Carmen, Cinderella and Cherubino in The Marriage of Figaro. New facets of Helene Gjerris are constantly emerging, and for her unusual versatility she has received several awards.

Simultaneously with her career on operatic stages and in concert halls Helene Gjerris teaches singing at The Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen.